Tuesday, January 27, 2015



I have been thinking and thinking (and thinking about thinking) of my "next" blog post... What I'm going to write about, what I'm going to share... and here I am. My mind has gone blank (it does that a lot) and I can't remember what I was going to write about... So... No WI-FI.

We've been struggling (more like suffering) these past few weeks because AT&T cut our WI-FI off. It was a total misunderstanding, but then they told us we might not be able to get it back. (thank goodness, that didn't happen!) So they showed up out of the blue the other day and got it going!

I've been thinking a lot lately (more thinking, I know...) about this situation. When our lives are turned upside down just because we can't get on the internet, or check instagram as often, or even worse, watch netflix, which was truly the worst for me! Then that's a problem. And I think about how much more valuable our lives became when we couldn't do those things. When we actually got things done and put our phones down. It was much more nice than what I thought it would be. So I guess what I'm trying to say is, sometimes we just need to live. Simpler, yet harder. That is what God has been showing me lately.To live simpler. Just say no sometimes. Go outside and just walk around. Have a cup of tea. Get rid of things instead of hoarding them because you "might need them" later.

"Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live, and you will not need to depend on others." 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 (NLT)

"A simple life in the Fear-of-God is better than a rich life with a ton of headaches." Proverbs 5:16 (Message)

I love these two verses. They remind me and encourage me to do these things. There are many more to choose from as well, so it's obvious that God wants this for us. It will also help us to focus and rely on Him more and more.

Now: Onward.

It's off to live a simpler life for me. The cousins just got home from school and I've got a pecan pie in the oven. Better go get it out before it burns! Have a wonderful week!

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Blog; New Year + 3 Months of Dreadlocks!

I was never good at this whole blogging thing... It kinda freaks me out (to say the least). Putting my thoughts into words and showing them (myself) to the world, if, of course, the world wanted to see. I've been doing this whole "life thing" for 19 years now and it just gets harder. Showing the person God made me to be to everyone I know, or anyone who knows me, is really tricky. Not for me, but for them. They see me how they want to see me, I just go with the flow. They don't know who I really am deep down and who God created me to be, which comes out the more I live this beautiful life.

Wow... that was deep... really deep...

Now lets get down to some less serious stuff! I'm doing this blog as a part of my "new year resolution", which is to better myself. I've resolved to live a healthy lifestyle, which will include exercise, clean eats (I've given up gluten and refined sugar and can I just say how awesome I feel and that I've already lost 3 pounds! :D) and of course, getting active and not being lazy. Doing more for my family and saying "no" sometimes (Which is going to be the absolute hardest for me... I'm a people pleaser!), I wear myself out helping others and then I'm not able to help my own family! So its gotta change and I need to put a new order of things into my head: God; Family; People. 

I'm also committing to more of Jesus. Reading His word, studying it, really getting to know Him and trusting Him with my life. Specifically, learning how to love Him with my whole heart.

Living simpler is another one that I just decided right now... like 5:08 PM on January 2nd 2015. Yeah, I work that way. Because loving Jesus reminded me of my heart, which reminded me of the things i love, which reminded me of how many things are taking His place, which reminded me of how they probably need to go... :/ Well, that revealed some stuff about me! (Don't pretend you think you know who I am. Lol. God totally just laid that one on my heart!! :P)

So now to the final resolution - patience. I'm so super impatient and most of you know that. When I want something or want to do something, I want it NOW! You better move out the way cause I'm charging to the car or looking for how-to's online. And for as long as I can remember, it's been that way. And because of it, I'm not successful probably 75% of the time. I try too hard too fast and it blows up in my face... So here's to patience!! *CHEERS!*

And as a side note... kinda... not really... my dreadlocks are 3 months old! So I wanted to share a photo or two (or three) and tell you how wonderful they are! Yes, this is part of living simpler... so if you hate them, please be nice!

I'm extremely happy with them at this point. It's almost like they changed overnight into their wonderful selves! (Look at me, talking about them like they are real live things! haha) They are super locking and super duper looking dang fabulous! No more itching, no more crappy not-locking and best of all, NO MORE AWKWARD BANGS!!!! They are just the right length to complete my look and I'm loving it! Loops are showing up everywhere and i have no idea how they are doing that, but it's fine with me! I always thought that I would want perfectly round non frizzy dreads, but they changed my mind very quickly. so without further adu:

A few of my loopy loops!

And that's it folks! I hope you enjoy this blog and comment away because I'm probably gonna need some encouragement and a reason to post. You are all so special! :)