Behind The Name

The name of my blog just kind of came to me... pretty quickly. There is a lot of meaning behind it I found out later and feel the need to share it with all of my readers.

So first off, I was a pirate for halloween (Dreadlocks, duhhh.... what else would I be?!) and I was searching for my perfect pirate name. I found a pirate name generator online and typed in "Blythe", which then came out, "Rotten Misty Sparrow". Not so fond of the "Rotten" part, it was just Misty Sparrow, which obviously means I'm married to Captain Jack Sparrow! (Lol)

So then I began to really look for meaning once I used it as my blog name. I realized that my shop's logo has a sparrow on it, hence the one on my signature.

I looked up meaning, definitions, and bible verses that had to do with this name and this is what I've found:

Misty: full of, covered with, or accompanied by mist.
Mist: [NOUN] a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earths surface limiting visibility, but to a lesser extent than fog; strictly, with visibly remaining above 1.5 miles. [VERB] cover or become covered with mist.

The definitions of misty and mist reminded me of how we are covered by God's grace... covered in His love... And we are blinded because of sin. Therefore, we must walk by faith and not by sight. We must trust...

Sparrow: 1. a small finch like Old World bird related to the weaverbirds, typically with brown and gray plumage. 2. any of a number of birds that resemble true sparrows in size or color.

Now sparrows are all over the bible. Jesus uses them as an example of the lowly and the humble.

Luke 12:6-7, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, you are of more value than many sparrows."

God doesn't forget the sparrows... And He values us FAR ABOVE them!!

God Protects us and keeps us like the mist, asking us to trust Him and to believe in Him. His love for us is greater than we can imagine......

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